Zulema It Will Never Be the Same Again


By Peter B. Meyer

The earth will never ever be the aforementioned again


Our awakened conscience initiates our revolution

Since the declaration of the Covid pandemic two years ago, we alive in a dangerous world. The satanic Luciferians and their highly paid minions will not let you get easily, they have conned the whole world with a fake pandemic, for the fulfilment of their Eugenic agenda; i.eastward. to wipe out ninety% of the population.

The bloodline families want people to dice of cancer and other engineered diseases, which they are not immune to cure. They are to an unfathomable extent mentally and emotionally disturbed beings. They see people as sheep and useless cattle. From their insane, psychopathic perspective, they do non care how much suffering is caused, and people die because of their manipulations and oppression. The more the better. And that is what these creatures are; insane psychopaths.

The Deep Country calendar has designed 3 major attacks on the human being allowed organization. Vaccination, PCR testing and wearing masks. With all three, they introduce nano-particles into your healthy arrangement, which in time destroy the immune organisation.

We are waiting for the great quantum in the awakening of the masses, otherwise we would already have been liberated from our age-old money slavery and oppression. It is now or never . This is our 1 and only gamble for successful and final removal of the criminal Deep State cabal from planet Globe. If all the awakened awaken i sleeper, nosotros volition take sufficient majority for our complete success. At least 70% participation of the awakened population guarantees that without major chaotic problems these criminals can exist removed from Mother Earth for skilful.

Think; that the linguistic communication of an awakened consciousness is not understood by the sleeping listen that lives nether the commonage MSM-hypnosis. In that case, there are no more topics or arguments that can work together to awaken someone. This language can only exist understood by the awakened among themselves.

Humanity has given abroad its heed and responsibility to corrupt governments on a massive scale. Consider the wider implications of this behaviour for homo existence. When we requite away our minds and our responsibleness, nosotros besides give away our freedom and essentially our lives.

If nosotros do not wake up en masse now, we will soon be totally degraded to the level where humanity is completely lost. Before long, before 2030, our culling, every bit explained hither, volition await like Divine Retribution. And that is the fashion Satan works. Luciferians hate the Creator of Life, they embrace Devastation and Expiry. It is a expiry cult . The great awakening must happen at this fourth dimension, it is our only adventure now to seize it with full forcefulness, otherwise our ability to defeat the Deep State, and eradicate information technology forever, is over. It is our duty to save humanity for the preservation of future generations. Remember at that place is not 1 saviour for our globe in that location are millions of saviours, roll up your sleeves and go to piece of work!

This moment in time, it is our merely chance to eradicate the hidden satanic criminals, known as the Globalists with their political and bureaucratic puppets, who do non hesitate to overpower humanity and planet Earth. Information technology must exist made clear; that the awakening homo race will non let this plan become unchallenged. More chiefly, we must be prepared to fight for the future of ourselves and time to come generations.

The Deep State cabal is revealed; the "dark" criminal people who are doing everything possible to keep humanity from waking up, have go desperate and are doing everything possible to foreclose the change to a improve world.

The cabal hates humanity because they fright them, they know the true potential of man, and that is why they are doing everything in their ability to destroy us. Through poisonous Covid injections, poisonous pills, mafia health care that prevents healing, poisoning by fluoridated water, pre-cooked food with harmful preservatives, soft drinks with harmful sugars, chemtrails that destroy the environment, education based on lies, to mention just a few facts. They want followers, not independent-thinking leaders. They practice not want people to question annihilation, whereas we should question everything!

They do non want humanity to wake upward and be informed that their bogus fiscal organisation at the top of the food concatenation has ceased to exist . This result is going to alter your life, because information technology offers choices that will change every awake human being.

If plenty people know this, the earth will have changed, their criminal system has get unusable. This is the greatest hidden hole-and-corner. Never before in human history take so many people been looted en masse; accomplished by the biggest financial scam in homo history.

Our returning guest author Vital Frosi tells usa more about this;


Honey ones!

What wonderful times we are living in! And every twenty-four hour period that passes, we are more and more approaching the end of a long wheel. This besides shows usa, that a New Age is outlined in the next steps. What a privilege to be here at this time, participating in the great event of planetary transition!

But we must recollect that each incarnated soul has reached an individual degree of consciousness, through successive reincarnations. And this makes much deviation in the mode of understanding, acting and completing the keen life journey of each homo consciousness.

The moment of enkindling has already arrived and will presently be completed. As has been said here many times, the Globe is a School of Souls, and similar whatsoever School, not all students graduate at the aforementioned fourth dimension.

Many souls have ascended during Globe'due south journey through the worlds of Atonement and Proof. But it must be remembered that the number is not expressive. Awakening during the long night nighttime of the soul was almost a nightmare. That is why few have succeeded.

Simply now the bully moment of intense Light is beginning to have shape. This will make the difference. The light is awakening! It is like the dawn of a new twenty-four hours, when all of nature rejoices and sings to welcome the dominicus. This long-awaited moment has arrived! Look how nature sings! Run across the joy and the colourfulness that now manifests itself! See it with your own optics! You do not even demand someone to see it.

Only yous demand eyes to see it! You demand ears to hear it! Those who accept closed themselves off from the Low-cal that cannot enter their room volition surely prefer the penumbra  to slumber on. Information technology gives no reason to wake up and participate in the not bad event of the Light!

Editorial Note; penumbra is a space of partial illumination (equally in an eclipse) between the perfect shadow on all sides and the full light, or a shadow surface area around the dark central role of a sunspot

To wake up means to be enlightened! Allow the lite enter non only your room, but into every cell of your body. The process is much broader than you tin can imagine. It is so profound that it volition actually alter the consciousness of every awakened person. In fact, a groovy bargain has already changed! And it is this modify that troubles those who practice non want to awaken.

Those who open the curtains to the Lite are attacked past those who adopt to remain asleep. So when you ask me "Am I awake?" I cannot know, but you tin. Look how many people phone call you something that is not a compliment. They are uncomfortable with your calorie-free, because for them darkness is more than comfortable.

An awakened consciousness volition never fall comatose again. That is why the procedure is called ascension . It is the climb up the ladder of further life. Nobody can stop an awakened consciousness, allow alone control information technology, all the more reason for the Rulers of humanity to insubordinate against the Ascension process of the souls incarnated here.

An awakened consciousness  no longer speaks the aforementioned language as before. A new language is adopted. And those who are asleep say that this is a conspiracy theory. Yes, for them it is a conspiracy, considering information technology hurts their interests.

They too say that these are witches. Yes, the magic of an awakened consciousness makes possible infinite perspectives that the sleepers and the dominators do not understand.

The language of an awakened consciousness is very disturbing to them. It promotes a different way of thinking and looking at life. And this is not the desire of those who command everything, nor of the oppressed who prefer the condolement of inertia. Leaving the comfort zone is an attitude that hurts the conscience that is however fastened to the command of the rulers of humanity.

The language of an awake consciousness is the opposite of the linguistic communication of those who remain in deep sleep. He who sleeps is only dreaming; he who is awakened lives in reality. He can appreciate the Light that shines at every moment of the day. He can relish the dazzler that is all around him. He can touch anything that pleases his eyes, his heart and his soul.

The language of an awakened consciousness seems to exist a language not understood by the masses who are asleep in their collective hypnosis. There are no more topics or arguments that can work together to awaken someone. This language is of interest only to those who are awakened, even to those who are still within the four walls and have non gone outside to adore the beauty of Low-cal.

This language, though misunderstood by the hypnotised masses, is pleasant and interesting to those who have not nonetheless encouraged themselves to walk the paths of ascension. Just they feel the gentle call that touches their hearts. And little by trivial they leave their positions and venture on the path of ascent.

For those who have an expanded consciousness, zilch will ever be the same once more. Each step backwards becomes an extra effort, because the path will pb frontward in every known state of affairs.

An awakened consciousness desires to know more than and more; to know everything. It tin no longer remain in the inertia of the by. It becomes restless and uneasy if it does non move forrard.

The language of an awakened consciousness  is a practise that is used more and more than, by an increasing number of people. Indeed, a new fourth dimension, a new era, has begun! Nothing will ever exist the same over again!

Regardless of the will of 2/three of humanity, nothing and no i can now cease what is coming. Nothing and nobody can end the calorie-free that is coming. It is the power of the universe following the commands of natural laws .

The earth will never be the same once more! You volition never be the aforementioned once again!

The awakened consciousness volition never go back to before!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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Source: https://roserambles.org/2022/04/09/the-world-will-never-ever-be-the-same-again-awakened-conscience-april-9-2022/

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